After lunch, Dr. Doug Cochrane reviewed information gathered from a pre-registration survey. Participants were asked what their top priorities were to address during the Summit. Top responses included:
Standardized goals & approaches;
Improving patient care/outcomes;
Improving the coordination of care;
practical patient education materials, and;
spreading work already done
During Part 1 of the workshop sessions, participants were led through a facilitated creative thinking exercise where they were asked to turn their thinking upside down by answering the question ‘How can we ensure that patients are NOT optimized for surgery?. Following this, participants identified which of those items they may be doing in some small way, and then discussed what strategies they would use to stop or change the unwanted activity. Key strategies were summarized and are available.
A panel of experts including a surgeon, anesthesiologist, QI/HA representative, patient, nurse and GP then discussed how we can get started on the ideas generated in the previous session, from the unique perspectives of each member of the surgical team.
During Part 2 of the workshop sessions, participants were asked to identify their own personal commitments for improving the surgical patient journey – and what the first step was to make that happen. Ideas were recorded on index cards and then rated by five others in the room to identify the top ideas in the room. All ideas and commitments are transcribed and available.